Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/onderev1/public_html/install/upgrade-14x-to-15x.no-opt.php on line 77
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/onderev1/public_html/install/upgrade-14x-to-15x.no-opt.php on line 77
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/onderev1/public_html/install/upgrade-14x-to-15x.no-opt.php on line 77
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/onderev1/public_html/install/upgrade-14x-to-15x.no-opt.php on line 77
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/onderev1/public_html/install/upgrade-14x-to-15x.no-opt.php on line 74
Warning: mysql_num_rows(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in /home/onderev1/public_html/install/upgrade-14x-to-15x.no-opt.php on line 77
The following errors occured:
Could not execute this query: DELETE FROM extension WHERE `type` = 'module' AND `key` = 'currency'; Unknown column 'key' in 'where clause'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE coupon_description DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin; Table 'onderev1_yigit.coupon_description' doesn't exist
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE product_option_description DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin; Table 'onderev1_yigit.product_option_description' doesn't exist
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE product_option_value_description DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_bin; Table 'onderev1_yigit.product_option_value_description' doesn't exist
Could not execute this query: DELETE FROM `extension` WHERE `type` = 'module' AND `key` = 'latest'; Unknown column 'key' in 'where clause'
Could not execute this query: INSERT INTO `extension` (`extension_id`, `type`, `key`) VALUES (NULL, 'module', 'latest') ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE extension_id=extension_id; Unknown column 'key' in 'field list'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `category_description` CHANGE `meta_keywords` `meta_keyword` varchar(255) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_bin; Duplicate column name 'meta_keyword'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `extension` CHANGE `key` `code` varchar(32) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_bin; Unknown column 'key' in 'extension'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `order` CHANGE `invoice_id` `invoice_no` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'; Duplicate column name 'invoice_no'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `order` CHANGE `currency` `currency_code` varchar(3) NOT NULL; Unknown column 'currency' in 'order'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `order` CHANGE `value` `currency_value` decimal(15,8) NOT NULL; Unknown column 'value' in 'order'
Could not execute this query: INSERT INTO `coupon_history` (coupon_id, order_id, customer_id, date_added) SELECT coupon_id, order_id, customer_id, date_added FROM `order`; Unknown column 'coupon_id' in 'field list'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `order` ADD `reward` int(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '' AFTER total, ADD `affiliate_id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 COMMENT '' AFTER order_status_id, ADD `commission` decimal(15,4) NOT NULL COMMENT '' AFTER affiliate_id, MODIFY `invoice_prefix` varchar(10) NOT NULL COMMENT '' COLLATE utf8_bin, DROP `invoice_date`, DROP `coupon_id`, ALTER `date_modified` DROP DEFAULT, ALTER `date_added` DROP DEFAULT; Can't DROP 'coupon_id'; check that column/key exists
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `product` ADD `upc` varchar(12) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_bin AFTER sku, ADD `points` int(8) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' AFTER price, DROP `maximum`, DROP `cost`; Duplicate column name 'upc'
Could not execute this query: ALTER TABLE `product_description` CHANGE `meta_keywords` `meta_keyword` varchar(255) NOT NULL COLLATE utf8_bin; Duplicate column name 'meta_keyword'
The above errors occurred because the script could not properly determine the existing state of those db elements. Your store may not need those changes. Please post any errors on the forums to ensure that they can be addressed in future versions!